Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Plan of Salvation

I remember the first lesson I received when I moved up into the Priest Quorum. It was on the Plan of Salvation. You know when you think you know something, but that area is a little fuzzy? Like you could kind of tell someone what something was, but not really? That's how I felt about that lesson that day. I knew of the Plan of Salvation and the basic premise of it, but I couldn't put into words what happened and what is to happen. One of the most important reasons we were sent here by Heavenly Father was to gain a body and to obtain as much knowledge as we could. Everything else was just a side note. The only thing you take with you when you die is your knowledge. So don't you think it's important for us to learn about the Plan of Salvation so we know what to expect when that day comes?

In the beginning, we were all intelligences. One day, Heavenly Father appeared to us and he had a physical body, like you and I do now. We were so impressed and in aw of this that we wanted one ourselves. His two sons, Jesus and Lucifer, both came up with a Plan for all of the intelligences. Lucifer's plan was that Heavenly Father give his power to him, we don't get agency, and he get's all the glory. Heavenly Father didn't like that idea, so Satan was cast out.

Jesus' plan was that we all get bodies, have our own agency, and God gets all the glory. Which one of those plans sounds better to you? If you chose B, you are the winner! Everyone that is on the Earth and have been on the Earth chose Jesus' plan to come here and get a body. Sadly though, a whole third of the people we were with at the time chose Satan's plan. When we put into perspective how many people have lived, are living, and will live on the Earth, that's a lot of people that chose to serve Satan. According to a recent study, approximately 107,602,707,791 people have been born. A third of that would be 35,867,569,264. It's sad to think that those people will never get to experience what we have and to be happy like we are.

So after Satan was cast out, we passed through the veil. This is why we don't remember anything that happened before our existence. Heavenly Father wanted us to learn everything on our own and have the agency to do and think what we wanted. While here on the Earth, he expects us to learn as much as possible, believe in Him, and to gain experience. Once we die, our bodies are separated from our spirits and we go to the Spirit World. People who were righteous during their lives will find joy and happiness there. For others who made bad choices, it will be more like a spirit prison. I learned in Seminary a couple of days ago that when we die, we don't automatically become perfect like our Heavenly Father. We have to continually work towards it. In the Spirit World, we will teach people about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

We are there until Jesus visits the Earth again. No one knows when that will happen, so don't delay the day that you repent of your sins! Many prophets and apostles have counseled this to us. Once that happens, we will be judged. That is the great and fearful day of man. It is said that we will know of all our sins and transgressions and we will be judged by Jesus. We cannot lie about our sins and we will be judged fair and justly according to God's will. After we are judged, there are four places we can be sent: Outer Darkness, the Telestial, the Terrestrial, and the Celestial Kingdoms, Celestial being the highest glory and where God lives. In the first three listed, there is no progression. We remain in whatever state of progression we were in on the Earth. If you can imagine outer darkness, there is no happiness, God does not dwell there, and you are in complete darkness. The other three kingdoms can not be described. The prophet, Joseph Smith, told us that there was no description that could accurately describe what any of the three kingdoms are like. We do know that the Celestial Kingdom is the most high, though. It is our goal to live there with our Heavenly Father for eternity.

I have a testimony of the Plan of Salvation and of Jesus Christ's atonement. Without the atonement of Jesus Christ, we could not have eternal life. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true church of God and I am grateful for the teachers and leaders that have taught me its truths. I am also thankful for my family and friends that have strengthened my testimony. If you would like to learn more about the Plan of Salvation, look up the scriptures that are provided in the picture below. I know we can live with Jesus Christ and God again if we live righteously and are obedient to the commandments of God and we follow the Holy Ghost's promptings. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Are you worthy to live in God's presence?

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