Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Spirit of God Like a Fire is Burning

Wouldn't it be wonderful if Jesus Christ were here on the Earth today? How perfect would the world be? Would you act the same or do the same things that you do now? Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World and he loved us so much that he came to this Earth, taught the disciples, and died for our sins and rose again so that we could live with him again.  When we have faith in our Savior, we can conquer any challenge we may face.

In the most recent session of General Conference, our prophet and apostles counseled us about the commandments of the Lord. Although the world may change its standards on what is right and what is wrong, the Lord's standards will never change and we need to stick to his doctrine. A big thing that was taught today at church was about the power of the scriptures. If we stay true to the Gospel and read our scriptures everyday, the Lord can manifest to us the truth of all things. Sometimes it can be hard to remember what the Lord has asked us to do and also to remain faithful to his teachings. Especially in high school, people all around me are doing drugs, drinking alcohol, supporting gay marriage, and using bad language. Sometimes, I get angry and am tempted by the devil to use foul language. Thanks to seminary and the power that it brings me everyday, I have a stronger testimony of the scriptures and of Jesus Christ and that helps me to remember the things which the Lord would have me to do.

In the pre-mortal life, we made the decision to come to the Earth and receive bodies. We agreed that when we came here, we would forget everything and that we would have to rely on faith to return to our Heavenly Father. Coming into this life, for some, is easier than it was for others. Some are blessed with wealth and big families and many other precious things. Others are less fortunate and don't have as many things as maybe they could want. Having faith allows us to forget the things we don't have, and remember the things that we do have and that the Lord has blessed us with so willingly. Sometimes when I am alone, I like to think of what I can do to serve the Lord. Not just for my own salvation, but for other peoples salvation and happiness.

I'm making this week's message shorter so you have time to watch the video below about having faith in Jesus Christ. This video has always been an inspiration to me and has helped me to come closer to my Heavenly Father. I know the Gospel is true and that Jesus is the Christ. When we put our faith in him, all things are possible. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Finding Faith in Christ

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